Wednesday, June 27, 2012


So while setting up this very blog, I have discovered that certain templates on blogger has an issue with white text on white background when using Chrome browser.

According to this post, some users confirm having the same issue as me, and no permanent fix has been discussed yet, however some users do give tips on a workaround.

For more details, read here.

Happy Tech-ing!

A quick way of taking screenshots

I just wanted to add a quick reminder for a tool I'd sometimes forget about myself.  This is specifically for Windows 7 and some Vista users (may God help you):

Snipping Tool
Start Menu - > All Programs -> Accessories -> Snipping Tool

  • It's Fast
  • It's easy
  • It's convenient

It allows you to create quick screenshot for any task that may require it within a few mouse clicks.

The tool bar I love due to its simplicity.  I wont go into details about this tool, but you can get more info and a great demo here.

Happy Tech-ing!

No Stereo Mixer

I wanted to blog this issue I had a few days ago before I forgot.

I needed to figure out how to record some audio clips from youtube using the same PC.  We have 3 popular options:

1. Male to Male headphone cable

Plug 1 end to of the cable to the 'audio out' and the other end to 'line-in' on your soundcard.  Adjust volume as necessary.

2. Enabling Stereo Mix option (Windows 7 users)

By enabling the hidden Stereo Mix option under Recording Devices, it should allow you to record any playback on your computer.  For a step by step guide, check How To Geek's guide: How To Enable “Stereo Mix” in Windows 7 (to Record Audio)

3. Using 3rd party apps

There are a few 3rd party apps specifically made for recording audio that comes out of your PC, some better than others, such as AV-Replay and Freecorder.  Personally I'm cautious of installing these types of apps, so read reviews before downloading.

You can find a comprehensive list from the forums

I opted for choice #2 as I didn't have a free male to male cable and didn't want to install any 3rd party apps.  The issue I had is after selecting 'show disabled devices' the stereo mix icon was still not there.

Reinstall your soundcard drivers via your manufacturer website.  When I originally installed Win7 I opted to use the soundcard drivers the windows update service provided to me and it seemed to work well.  Little did I know, the updates are known to remove the stereo-mix option and it has been suggested Microsoft purposely does this because of Microsoft’s DRM (Digital Rights Management).

In any case, once after I reinstalled my drivers from my manufacturer (onboard soundcard from MSI aka RealTek) and a reboot, the Stereo-Mix option is now viewable and ready to use.

Happy Tech-ing!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Prologue

Hello World.

As I sat there staring at my screen, sighing, thinking, and preparing for yet another adventure in computer troubleshooting to fix yet another uncommon problem that I know is not easily solved, I wonder to myself, how long will it take this time? 30 mins? 2 hours? 1 day? or even 1 week?

As I click on the most popular section of my web browser and typed in the 10 most beautiful characters of a computer support technician;, another thought comes into my mind.  What if there is NO fix for this solution? Impossible! The internet has everything, and as part of the Computer Support Species, it is in our DNA to find and answer at all costs!  We shall prevail!

Fast forward 2 1/2 hours later, I am hungry, tired and exhausted.  It seems I have searched across the dark deep depth of the internet.  During my exhaustive journey I've come across:

  • Websites that leads to dead links
  • Websites that blocks your possible answer with an ugly banner telling you to pay
  • Forums that discusses a similar issue but not quite what I was looking for
  • Forums that starts of with the same problem I had, but blows up into an all out argument on grammar structure or other unrelated topics
  • And my favourite, a thread in a forum with the same exact issue that ends with "Nevermind I fixed it!" with no possible explanation on how.

Ray of Hope

At 3am I have exhausted my options for the night, with half closed bloodshot red eyes, I decided to try 1 more forum, with the thread dated 8 years ago.  At this point I already assumed it will lead to nowhere, but what do I have to lose.  Sleeping is for suckers.

But wait, there is a solution for my issue! And it is posted on the thread! in full detail! With rejuvenated energy, I meticulously perform the steps, and by the gods, this solution works!

Thank you random faceless computer man from 8 years ago. 

By Gawd, Thank-you!

An Idea

The next day as I was talking with my girlfriend, describing my voyage of the night before to my solution, she made a simple yet brilliant suggestion: 

"You should post your solutions somewhere so others like yourself can find the solution easier"  
-  The Girlfriend

And thus, is the beginning of this website.  I don't know where this will take us IF it will take us anywhere.  I come across computer problems almost on a daily basis, some harder than others, so I will post as I find solutions that worked for me.  Hopefully this blog is to help other Computer Support Technicians, Admins, Analysis, Computer Geeks/Nerds, or anyone that searches the depths of the internet for that obscure problem.   

But be warned.

The grammar might be bad and paragraph structures will be horrible.  All of these posts will be a quick copy/paste  from various sources I've found on the internet with very minimal editing by myself.  The goal of all my blogging:
  • Get in
  • Post solution (that worked for me)
  • Get out

Man, this post is long.  

Happy Tech-ing!